What's in a Name?
Ruth Warner Towne, Alumna, Professor of History (1952-1988) and Dean of Graduate Studies (1983-1988).
Adair County, Missouri.
Joseph Baldwin, Founder and 1st President (1867-81).
Initially named Normal Building, completed in 1873, renamed in 1905, and burned in 1924.
Otho Barnett, Alumnus and Head of Practical Arts Division (1939-68).
Completed 1970, renovated 1984.
Joseph Blanton, 3rd President (1882-91).
William P. Nason, 2nd President (1881-82).
Basil Brewer, Alumnus and author of “Old Missou,” the first official school song.
Blanton and Nason were completed in 1949, Brewer in 1959.
E. B. Campbell, Kirksville banker and businessman from whose estate the property was purchased.
Completed in 1965
Built during the University’s 100th year and named for that anniversary.
Completed in 1967.
William D. Dobson, 4th President (1891-99).
Completed in 1961.
Eugene Fair, 6th President (1925-37).
(Was located between Ryle Hall and Adair Building until 2018.)
Completed in 1958.
Dr. Ezra C. Grim, Alumus, Member of Board of Regents (1909-15) and Nursing Program Administrator (1923-31); founder of Grim-Smith Hospital for which this building was originally the nurses’ home.
Completed in 1923, addition built in 1959.
John. R. Kirk, 5th President (1899-1925).
Kirk Auditorium completed in 1923, renamed Kirk Building in 1959.
Kirk Memorial completed in 1940.
Willis Jackson Magruder, 13th President (1994-2003).
Science Hall completed in 1955, south wing added in 1968, renovated, expanded, and renamed Magruder Hall in 2006.
Charles J. McClain, 10th President (1970-89).
Completed in 1977.
Robert L. McKinney, Alumnus, Assistant to the President (1938-40, 1946-51), and Head of Public Relations (1965-73), and Virginia F. “Fran” McKinney, Director, International Student Office (1965-94).
Industrial Arts Building (west wing) completed in 1940, east wing added in 1951, renamed McKinney Center in 1973.
State of Missouri.
Completed in 1965.
Ophelia Ann Parrish, Director of the Model School (1899-1903) and 1st Head Librarian (1903-15).
Completed in 1923, addition built in 1939, renovated and expanded in 2002.
General John J. Pershing, Alumnus and Commander of the American Expeditionary Forces, World War I.
Center section completed in 1957, north wing added in 1967, natatorium added in 1976, and south wing added in 1977.
Samuel M. Pickler, Instructor (1868-73) and Kirksville businessman (gave $25,000 to build the new library after Library Hall burned in 1924).
Original library building completed in 1901, burned in 1924. Pickler built in 1925, addition built in 1967, renovated and expanded 1991-93.
Walter H. Ryle, 7th President (1937-67).
Completed in 1963.
James S. Stokes, Professor of Physics (1905-1925) and Supervisor of Grounds (1925-50); designed and built the football field and stadium.
Kenneth L. Gardner, Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Track Coach (1951-88); Athletic Director (1874-88).
Stadium completed in 1930, press box added 1962.
The Rec Center & the SUB, built as a result of student initiatives, were named for the students.
Eugene M. Violette, Professor of History and Head of History Department (1900-1923).
Completed in 1965, renovated and expanded in 1998.
The western-most building on campus; named for its location.
Completed in 2006.