The Kirksville Mercantile College and Writing Institute

200 Block E Washington
Kirksville, MO

Thirteenth Annual Catalogue of the Kirksville Mercantile College and Writing Institute, 1892-93. Kirksville: Journal Printing Co, 1893.

Student Roster, 1892-93
**1892-93 Graduates

Students can enter at any time, as our system of individual instruction is adopted in all branches. Each pupil is independent of the other.  Time required to complete the course depends much on the natural ability and previous training of the student but ordinarily the Business Course can be completed with good and satisfactory results to all concerned in from six to eight months.


NameHome AddressCourses in Which Enrolled
Agee, LetahKirksville, MOPenmanship 
Alexander, JohnKirksville, MOPenmanship 
Ammerman, W. J.Kirksville, MOBusiness 
Andrews, LutherLancaster, MOPenmanship 

Ashlock, Hugh Thomas

Kirksville, MOBusiness 
Atteberry, ElmerKirksville, MOBusiness 
Ayers, W.E.Atlanta, MOPenmanship