The translation and transcription of this Book of Hours is provided by Ms. Lauren Milburn exactly as she had it written for her capstone project which was worked on during the years 2011-2012.

Primarily the text of this book of hours is written in a brown ink, but the directions for the user were written in blue and red ink which has also included in the translation and transcription. These directions occur when a part of the text was to be not prayed during a certain liturgical season.


A. = antiphon: psalm or hymn that is sung by two choirs alternatively
Ben. = benediction: blessing
Cant. = canticle: sacred chant from scripture
D. = directions
Inv. = invitatory
Les. = lesson
Or. = oration
Ps. = psalm
R. = response
V. = versicle: a line of exclamation preceding a response
Dnē= Domine


[= ] = words that were contracted or separated by a hyphen.
< >= indicates a word or part of a word that should not be present.
• Vowels that have a macron (i.e. ā or ē) are words that should end with either the consonant “m” or “n.”
• The vowel “e” at the end of a word often denotes an abbreviation for the dipthong “ae.” For example: “terre” is actually “terrae.”

Quire I

[Compline: Hours of the Virgin]
[Quire I][1]
[[62 V The Coronation of Mary]][2]
[[V.] Conuerte nos Deus salutaris noster.]
[63 R] [R.] Et auerte iram tuam a nobis.[3]
[V.] Deus in adiutoriū[=adiutorium] meum intende.
[R.] Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto. Sicut erat in principio Et nunc et semper et in secula seculorum amē [=amen]
[Psalmus 128]
Sepe[=saepe] expugnaue- runt me a iuuen- tute mea: dicat nunc Israel.
Sepe [=saepe] expugnauerūt[=expugnaverunt] me a iuuventute mea: etenim non potuerunt michi [=mihi]
[1] This quire is not complete. Folio 62 Recto is missing from the codex. This folio would have been on the back of the missing illumination.
[2] This illumination commences the beginning of Compline. The coranation of Mary is the moment when Mary was crowned after her ascension into heaven.
[3] There are cut pages in the manuscript. Thus, instead of Compline commencing with an illumination and the first verse: “Conuerte nos Deus salutaris noster,” the codex begins with the first response.
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[Compline: Hours of the Virgin]

[Quire I][1]

[[62 V The Coronation of Mary]][2]

[[V.] Convert us God, our savior. [3]]

[63 R] [R.] And avert your anger from us

[V.] Lord, incline into my aid.

[R.] Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning, and now, and always and into the ages of the ages. Amen.

[Psalmus 128]

Often they impugned me from my youth: let Israel now say.
Often they impugned me from my youth: but they were not able (against) me.

[1] This illumination commences the beginning of Compline. The coranation of Mary is the moment when Mary was crowned after her ascension into heaven.

[2] This quire is not complete. Folio 62 Recto is missing from the codex. This page would have commenced Compline with an illumination (the Coronation of Mary) and the first verse.

[3] There are cut pages in the manuscript. Thus, instead of Compline commencing with the first verse: “Conuerte nos Deus salutaris noster,” the Hour begins with the first response.
[63 V] Supra dorsum meum fabricauerunt peccatores prolongauerunt iniqui- tem[=iniquitatem] suam.

Dn̄s [=Dominus] iustus concidet Ceruices peccatorum: cō- fundantur [=confundantur] et conuertātur [=convertantur] retrorsum omnes q[=qui] oderunt syon.

Fiant sicut fenum tec- torum: quod priusq[=priusquam] euellatur exaruit.

De quo non impleuit manū [=manum]  suam qui metet: et sinū[=sinum] suum qui mani- pulos colliget.

Et non dixerunt qui
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[63 V] Sinners have built upon my back: they have prolonged their iniquity.
The just Lord will cut the necks of sinners: let them be confounded and let all be turned backward, those who hate Sion.
Let them be made as the hay of the roofs: which has dried up before it may be plucked.
The one who will reap did not fill their hand from it and the one who will collect did not fill their bosom with it.
And those who passed by did not say
[64 R] preteribant [=praeteribant] benedictio do- mini super uos: benedici- mus uobis in nomine domini.
Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto.
Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in secula seculorum[=saecula saeculorum] amen.
[Pslamus 129]
De profundis clamaui ad te domine dn̄e[=domine] exaudi uocem meam.
Fiat[=Fiant][4] aures tue[=tuae] inten- dentes:
in uocem depre- cationis mee[=meae].
Si iniquitates obser- uaueris dn̄e dn̄e[=domine] quis sustinebit.
[4] There is not an abbreviation mark over the “a” here, but the comparative text says that “fiat” does have an “n.” Perhaps a scribal error.
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[64 R] benediction of the Lord upon you: we bless you in the name of the Lord.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now, and always and into the ages of the ages. Amen.
[Pslamus 129]
I called to you, Lord, from the depths, Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive,
into the voice of my petition.
If you will observe iniquities, Lord, [then] Lord, who will endure?
[64 V] Quia apud te propicia- tio est et propter legē [=legem] tuam sustinui te dn̄e[=domine].

Sustinuit anima mea in  uerbo euis sperauit a- nima mea in domino.

A custodia matutina usque ad noctem speret Is -rael  in domino.

Quia apud dm̄n[=dominum] mīa[=misericordia]: Et copiosa apud eum re- demptio.

Et ipḗ  [=ipse] redimet Israel ex omnib [=omnibus] iniquitatib[=iniquitatibus] eius.

Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto.

Sicut erat in principio
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[64 V] Because among you is pitifullness: and because of your law I have endured you, Lord.

My soul endured in his word: my soul hoped in the Lord.

From the morning watch until night; Let Israel hope in the Lord.

Because mercy is with the Lord; and with him is abundant redemption.

And He himself will redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning, and now
[65 R] et nunc et semper et in secula seculorum[=saecula saeculorum] Amē[=Amen]
[Psalmus 130]
Domine non est exal- tatum cor meum neq[=neque]  elati sunt oculi mei.
Neq[=neque] ambulaui in ma- gnis: neq [=neque] in mirabili- bus super me.
Si non humiliter sent- tiebam: sed exaltaui ani- mam meam.
Sicut ablactatus est Super matre[=matrem] sua[=suam][5] ita: re- tributio in anima mea.
Speret Israel in domino Ex hoc nunc et usq[=usque] in seculum[=saeculum]
[5] There are no abbreviation marks present. See translation notes.
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[65 R], and always and into the ages of the ages. Amen.

[Psalmus 130]

Lord, my heart is not exulted nor are my eyes raised.

Neither have I walked in great things; nor in wonderful things above me.

If I was not feeling humbly, but I exalted my soul.

As the weaned child is beyond his mother: As retribution in my soul.

Let Israel hope in the Lord from this now and into the age.
[65 V] Gloria patri et filio et spi- ritui sancto.
Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in se- cula seculorum [=saecula saeculorum] amē[=amen]
Memento salutis auc- tor: q[=quod] nostri quon- dam corporis ex illibata
Uirgine nascendo formā[=formam] sumpseris.
Maria mater gratie[=gratiae]
Mater mīe[=misericordiae]
Tu nos ab hos- Te protege
et hora mortis suscipe.
Gloria tibi domine
Qui natus es de uirgine cum
patre et sancto spiritu
in sempiterna secula[=saecula] ā[=amen.]
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[65 V] Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning, and now, and always and into the ages of the ages. Amen.


Be mindful author of our health: that at some time you took on the form of our body,

by being born from a pure virgin.

Mary, mother of grace,

mother of mercy,

You, protect us from the enemy,

And receive us at the hour of death.

Glory to you, Lord.

Who were born of a virgin,

With the Father and the Holy Spirit,

Into the everlasting ages. Amen.
[66 R] Ego mater pulchre[pulchrae]
Dilectionis et timo- ris et magnitudinis  et sancte spei.
[R.] Deo gratias
[V.] Ora pro nobis sancta dei genetrix.
[R.] Ut digni efficia- mur promissionibus xpī [=Chrisit].
Ā. Sub tuum. Capitulum.
[Canticum Simeonis (Luke 2)]
Nunc dimittis seruū[=servum] tuum dn̄e[=domine]: sedm̄[=secundum] uerbum tuū [=tuum]
in pace.
Quia uiderunt oculi Mei salutare tuum.
Quod parasti ante fa- ciem omnium populor[=populorum]
Lumen ad reuelationē[=revalationem] gentium et gloriam ple- bis tue [=tuae] Israel.
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[66 R] I am the mother of beautiful love, and of fear, and of greatness, and of holy hope.
[R.] Thanks to God.
[V.] Pray for us holy mother of God
[R.] That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Ā. Under your [aid].
[Canticum Simeonis (Luke 2)]
Now you dismiss your servant, Lord: according to your word
in peace
Because my eyes have seen your salvation
Which you prepared before the face of all peoples
A light for the revelation of the gentiles and the glory of thy people, Israel.
[66 V] Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto.
Sicut erat in principi- pio et nunc et semper et in secula seculorum[=saecula saeculorum] amen.
ā. sub tuum pre- sidium confugimus sctā[=sancta] dei gentrix nrās[=nostras] depreca- tiones ne despicias in ne- cessitatibus sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper uirgo benedicta. kyrieley- son. Xpē eleyson. Kyireley- son.[6]
[V.] Domine exaudi orōne[=orationem] meam.
[R.] Et clamor meus ad te ueniat. Oremus Beate [=beatae] et gloriose[=gloriosiae] Semperq[=semperque] uirginis
[6] In the codex in the SC the “kyrieleyson. Xpē eleyson. Kyreleyson” is not separated as it should be. The traditional text reads, “kyrie eleyson. Xpē eleyson. Kyrie eleyson.” Also, the “y’s” in “eleyson” are spelled with an “i.”
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[66 V] Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now, and always and into the ages of the ages. Amen.
ā. We flee under your aid, holy mother of God: do not despise our prayers in our necessities, but from all dangers free us , always blessed virgin. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.
[V.] Lord, hear and act upon my prayer.
[R.] And let my shout come to you.
[67 R] marie [=mariae] quesumus dnē [=quaesumus domine] intercessio gloriosa nos protegat: et ad ui- tam perducat eternā [=aeternam].
Per dn̄m nr̄m [=dominum nostrum].
Transcription for Quire I ends here.
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[67 R] We beseech, Lord, may the glorious intercession of the blessed and glorious and ever virgin Mary, protect us, and conduct us to eternal life.
through our Lord.
Translation for Quire I ends here.

There is no translation and transcription for this section of Quire I. However, the pages belonging to this Quire have been placed below and follow the outline provided by Lauren Milburn.
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