Wilson Township
Charles Hardin Conner, MD
(Feb 1875 – 28 Jul 1942)

Dr Conner, son of David J and Ann (Kinbrough) Conner, was born and raised in Salt Creek Township, Adair County. After establishing his medical practice in Gibbs, he married Myrtle Linder in Kirksville on May 2, 1897. The young couple relocated to Newport City, KY ca 1899 and eventually settled in Albuquerque, NM. Their three children were Edna Reba, Hugh Hardin and Elaine. [Journal; Gibbs 100; 1880, 1900 & 1920 Census; MO Death Certfs]
Warner Hanks
21 Oct 1862 – 1 July 1927
Angelina (Sublette) Hanks
7 Aug 1862 – 19 Mar 1939

Warner, like his brother James, was born in Adair County but raised in Knox. He returned to the county as an adult and owned a large farm on the edge of Wilson. He was also the Wilson Postmaster from 1892 until the office was closed in 1902. He and Angie Sublette married in 1883 and raised four children, Cyrus, Myrtle, Virgil & Leland. The two oldest are shown with them here. [Violette; KDE obit; Postmasters; Gibbs 100; MO Death Certfs]
Chester Woods
5 Sept 1857 – 2 Sept 1932
Margaret P (Sleeth) Woods
5 Jan 1862- 29 June 1930

Chester Woods was originally from Mercer County. PA and came to southeast Adair County with his parents at about age 11. Maggie Sleeth was born in neighboring Knox County, MO. The couple married in 1882 and raised their four children, Edna, Wylie, May & Etta, on their farm near Gibbs. [Violette; KDE obits; Gibbs 100]