Oklahoma Township
Frank W Gibbs
22 June 1860 – 16 June 1937

When the Santa Fe Railroad was laid out across Frank Gibbs’ land in 1887, the Adair County native and stock breeder donated land for a depot and stockyard then founded the town of Gibbs around them. He and his wife, Sarah Emma McCoy, lived there until 1901 when they moved to Kirksville after Frank was elected County Treasurer. They remained in town and he opened a real estate business after leaving office in 1907. [Violette; KDE obit]
Edward Parker Homes
30 Mar 1867 – 24 Jan 1953

Edward Homes was born and lived his entire life on a farm in southern Adair County, about 4 miles northeast of La Plata on the Macon County line. After graduating from Kirksville Mercantile College in 1888, he started a stock breeding business specializing in Hereford cattle. He also served as clerk of the Oklahoma Township School District for over 47 years. Edward and Mollie Turner married in 1891 and were the parents of three children. [Violette; KDE obit]
Oran Elry Long
29 Dec 1869- 14 Jan 1949
Martha Ann (Bragg) Long
20 Mar 1867- 22 June 1954

Elry Long, son of James Marion & Mollie (Francis) Long, was born in Pennsylvania but lived in southern Adair County, MO from about age 3. The family settled first near Millard then a few years later on a large farm just a mile or so north of the Macon County line. Elry and his wife Mattie, a native of Kentucky, farmed this same land all their lives. They are buried just south of the county line in the La Plata Cemetery. [Macon Co Cemeteries; JM Long KDE obit; MO Death Certfs]