A Note of Tribute
Fred Schwengel’s belief in the importance of a comprehensive liberal education was demonstrated from an early age as he left home to work his way through high school. Influenced by individuals such as former President Harry S Truman and poet Carl Sandburg, Schwengel was inspired to not only serve as an educator in the fields of history and political science, but also to lead an active political life filled with service to his fellow man.
A note of tribute from the September 24, 1969 Congressional Record:
Fred Schwengel is a most unusual man. He is a man with a deep sense of history, a sharp feeling for what it means to be an American, a far-ranging appreciation of the glories and greatness of America…(he) cares about people and that is his source of personal strength.
– Gerald Ford

From Robert Taft Jr.:
He has been recognized by all as an effective, imaginative Congressman.

From Page Belcher:
Fred Schwengel is a ‘now’ Congressman, a man of action, a man of our times, a man who cares, but most importantly, a man who brings to his efforts to deal with the problems of the future a deep understanding of their roots in the past.
From Richard Nixon:
All Americans will be forever indebted to you for your untiring efforts.
For information concerning this exhibit contact: speccoll@truman.edu